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Your Band Boosters offer two type of scholarships that allow both underclassmen and graduating seniors the opportunity to enrich and expand their learning.

Need-Based Scholarships

The Redmond Mustang Band Boosters award partial scholarships on a need basis to deserving band students to defray the costs of participating in band. Please contact the Band Director Cory Edwards to coordinate scholarship payments for individual band activities such as festival fees, music in the parks, etc.​

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Senior Scholarships

Each year, the Redmond Mustang Band Boosters award three $1000 continuing education scholarships to graduating senior band students based on their participation in and contribution to the Redmond High School Band program.  Additional considerations include the contributions students have made to Redmond High School and the community.


​2024 Scholarship Applications are now being accepted!

Seniors, please look for an email from Mr. Edwards (sent April 1st) that contains application materials for the 2024 Senior Scholarship cycle. There are two parts of the application that need to be returned to the scholarship committee chair – the application that is filled out by the student and the recommendation that is filled out by a non-related adult who can comment on your contributions to the RHS band and /or community.


To be considered, both the application and the recommendation form must be sent to the scholarship chair by 11:59 pm on Friday, April 19th, 2024, per the instructions sent in Mr. Edwards’ email.


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We support the Redmond High School band program

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