Pep Band
Each school year kicks off with Pep Band at our home football games. Typically the band rehearses 2-3 times the week before school starts in order to organize sections, hand out music, and introduce incoming freshmen to the fundamentals of pep band (new music, coordinated movements, drum major directions, etc.).
Lockers, locks, and pep band jackets will be distributed the first week of school.

Fall Drum Major
All 12th grade students are eligible to audition for Fall Drum Major. This is a single student conductor position who will serve to support the director and all band students through excellent leadership, clear conducting, and constant communication. Students on band council are eligible.
There are two portions to the audition that all applicants must complete during the week of September 5th, 1) a conducting audition during 6th period during the week and 2) a short interview after school with Mr. Edwards about leadership and goals for the band.
Auditions will be help during the first week of school, starting with an in-class rehearsal on the 5th with students conducting the band. All student conductors will conduct the entirety of the Fight Song and roughly the first 16 measures of Time Warp for the audition (the exact cutoff measures isn’t important). Show excitement, pride, excellence, and energy during your audition!
Interviews will be held afterschool (3:35-4:15 available). Drum Major applicants can schedule a time directly with Mr. Edwards.
And now, introducing your 2023-24 Drum Major: Ava Yuen

Football Pep Band Schedule
Friday, Sept. 8th - Green and Gold
Friday, Sept. 22nd - Red, White, and Blue
Friday, Oct. 13th - Homecoming (White Out)
Thursday, Oct. 19th - Pink Out
Friday, Oct. 27th - Senior Night

Basketball Drum Majors
Ava Yuen, Luke Lee, and Aadhav Saravanan

Basketball Pep Band Schedule
For basketball season, we will split into two smaller Pep Bands, Green and Gold. Schedules are below.