We are a strictly volunteer-run organization and we need YOU to help guide our growing organization into the future. That’s right parents – we need your help and leadership to build and strengthen our community, expand our reach, and improve the opportunities and access for all students in the band program. A few important board positions will be coming open at the end of this year, and the more interested parents we have the better!
Can’t make the commitment to be involved on a regular basis? We need help raising money, promoting events, communicating with parents, chaperoning field trips, and more. Have skills writing newsletters? Have corporate connections in our community and want to help with sponsorships or acquiring items for future fundraisers? Do you enjoy putting on parties and socials and want to help build connection and community in our band program? Redmond Band needs you! We would love to have you helping out on a committee, with an event, or working on ongoing planning and improvement. Check out our About page for a list of our Board positions and Committees and email vp@redmondmustangbandboosters.org to get more information on volunteer opportunities.
Fundraise or Donate
If you cannot commit to volunteer time, you can still help out the program by helping us raise funds. There are several ways you can participate:
Become a band program sponsor or buy raffle tickets before each concert
Join restaurant dine-outs where a portion of the proceeds are donated to the Band Boosters
Donate funds directly - we are a 501(c)3 non-profit and your donations are tax deductible - just click the yellow Donate button at the top of this page​
See our Fundraising page for more information on any of these options
Volunteering or donating can be a double plus for the Band Boosters if your employer matches your volunteer time or monetary donation. For example, here are the matching instructions if you work at Microsoft.