About Us
The Redmond Mustang Band Boosters are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports the Redmond High School band program, its students and director Cory Edwards. We provide financial support and sponsor activities beyond what the school provides. Band Booster members are parents and guardians of current band students and there is no special sign up or membership dues. Our band booster meetings are held at 7 pm in the RHS Library on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from September through June. All parents are welcome to attend. Our schedule for 2024-25 is linked below.
What We Do
Organize and provide concert programs
Organize tailgate meals or snacks before each home football game
Maintain and distribute band uniforms
Assign band lockers and locks to students
Award three (3) $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors every year
Purchase instruments and equipment when needed
Help maintain school-owned instruments
Host social events to build up the Band community
Hold fundraisers where students can raise money for band trips
Organize spirit wear/merch sales
Provide gift bags for graduating seniors
Provide volunteer support for the band director
Host the RHS Band Booster website
Help design and print Band Concert Programs
And much more...

Ad Sales
Travis Pruitt
Solicits ad sales and renewals for the concert programs

Renee Werth
Organizes food at the August BBQ and before 4-5 home football games

Concert Programs
Travis Pruitt
Designs the program for 4 concerts/year

Dine Outs
Sangeetha Ramanathan
Organizes dineout fundraising nights at local restaurants aligned to each of the 4 concerts

Fundraising - Car Wash
Jenn MacLachlan
Organizes Brown Bear Car Wash ticket student fundraiser in fall

Fundraising - Fruit
Jenn MacLachlan
Organizes citrus student fundraiser in Dec/Jan

Takes high quality pictures at all events and uploads to events section of website

Kathy Shoesmith
Procures donations for raffles before concerts

Senior Ads/Bios
Procures program ads for the final concert program from parents of graduating seniors and collects bios from graduating seniors for inclusion in the final concert program

Senior Gift bags
Ashley Marcu
Plans and orders gifts for graduating seniors

Senior Scholarships
John Shoesmith
Coordinates the selection of recipients of the 3 band scholarships

Spirit Wear
Jenn MacLachlan
Organizes spirit wear merchandise sales

Swing Night
Jill McCall, Tracey Gauthier
Plans logistics of this major fundraiser including securing the venue, advertising/ticket sales, food/beverages, and volunteer coordination

Ashley Marcu
Catalogs band uniforms and organizes distribution and collection/repair

Travis Pruitt
Records all concerts for posting on YouTube

Matt Gauthier
Posts updates to the band booster website

Year End Party
Renee Werth
Coordinates the year end band party